An Anam Cara Birthday ...

Today was a day of movement, and a day of celebration.

Since I haven't been sleeping, it was easy to be up to take E to work for 7 so I could have Rose for the day.  After stopping back home and having breakfast with Bug (and lingering a bit too long on the computer) I headed back out to do some birthday shopping.

Stopping at the 'Bucks turned into a longer proposition, as I sat with E during her break and ended up telling The Icarus Story to Katherine, who continues to nod politely as the unique details of my life continue to trickle out.  What must my life look like from the outside ...

I made my way out to Micro Center, the "Big Choice" of computer stores (ten points for Gryffindor if you get that reference) for a laptop bag, and absolutely loved being able to get Bug's opinion right there on my iPad.  Occasionally it's fun being one of the cool kids.

Driving my usual road to Paramus, up 80 to Hackensack, picking up 17 over by National Wholesale, I had My Chem playing, feeling free, just enjoying moving.  I stopped for lunch at Paramus Park, then went to B&N for awhile and found the two books I was looking for.

Finding music was a bit more difficult, and I was reminded very unhappily about how much I miss Tower Records.  As it was, I ended up having to go to Best Buy, of all places, which made me feel all slimy inside.  Still, it was for a birthday, so exceptions must be made.

I picked E up from work, and we went to Willowbrook for an early prequel celebration, which we actually did on my birthday as well, if I remember correctly.  We had a little snack (she had the Bell, I had a pretzel) and made a space then went back to the house to wait for Bug.

Right before she was going to open presents, P called to spread birthday cheer, which was lovely.  It wasn't even my birthday, yet these are the sorts of days the absences hit hardest.  They talked for awhile, and it was such a positive thing for E.  Bravo!  Huzzah!

She seemed to really like the cards and presents, and after hugging and tenderness, we headed back out to Paramus to see the African Cats movie.  After last year's flick, our expectations were high and this exceeded them.  So amazing to step into such a different world!

When the movie was over, E was tired and wanted to call it an early night.  After listening to her new Lady Gaga disc on the ride home, we settled in and declared birthday number two of 2011 a success!  Such a privilege, Pal-o, to share yet another of these days with you.

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