A Day of Heavy Lifting ...

For once, I actually mean that literally.

I spent today helping my teacher Jason move house.  It was only a couple of blocks, from one side of Bloomfield Ave to the other, but it took all day.  These things always do.

A friend of his helped us for the first couple of hours, and we had some hired help with the furniture and big things this morning, but for about two thirds of the day it was just the two of us.

I've probably said it before in this blog, and I know I've said it to many of my dear ones, but having no birth family anymore, Jason has become like a father to me, which is really kind of amazing.

Doing this task with him all day, making my bones ache as they do, felt not only like the right thing to do, but it felt important, like something I should do.  I wonder if that makes sense ...

We talk so much at our yoga studio about service, and about giving back, but those are just words until you do them and find yourself understanding why you are doing them, and just breathing into them.

All the trips up and down the stairs ... All the sweeping and getting blisters on my hands (during a week when I'll have at least three musical encounters) ... Even up to the end, when I was exhausted, I was able to meet it all joyfully.

I'll never be able to repay him for what he's taught me, and that isn't the point.  But I can do things like this, in boring ol' consensus reality, to let him know I appreciate him.

I'm glad to say that he knows.

(A not unimportant PS to this entry : during the move, I got a voice mail from Paulstro, and HE FOUND T AND WE ARE GOING TO PLAY THIS WEEK!  Actual rock and roll, on the drum kit, on a stage in front of people, if we can swing it!  How desperately I've been wanting this, and after all these years away, it's going to happen this week!  Unreal, all the things are opening up for me since I regenerated again ...


  1. I must say that I am truly privileged to have met you as your last incarnation was coming to an end, because I have been able to be a part of everything that has happened since then. I have watched you move forward at breakneck speeds, and I have watched you withdraw and fall to the ground, twisting in pain. I have watched you begin to pick yourself up after the rug gets pulled from under your feet, bruised and battered, like the figure on the Nine of Wands card. What a ride. You are truly living your life, seeing it as a gift that is to be experienced fully. Things are opening up again for you, and I am overjoyed.

    Beltane Blessings!

  2. oh.... i think "rock & roll" just about sums up my reaction to this blog entry! i am SO happy to hear that things are perking up for you and that all of these wonderful experiences are coming your way- because you deserve them. merry merry beltane to you, my dear.
