Ungrounded, With A Nice Ending ...

'Twas a moody, ungrounded day today.

I worked a few hours at the 'Seed in the morning, then was relieved by Amy, who came for teacher training.  After stopping at Callandra's for fresh rolls, I went home and had lunch with E, before heading out for a bit of a wander.

We ended up at Greenwood Lake, which as you can see, had a lovely mysterious sky.  We sat in Spider Gazebo for awhile, had a lousy snack at McDonalds, and drove around a little more before deciding we'd had enough, and headed home.

The best part of the day was as we were wrapping up a late dinner with Bug.  The three of us got into a big, meaningful, very open discussion, the kind that only people who have known each other as long and as deeply as we have can understand.

So much is changing in our lives.  Our family is in flux in so many subterranean ways.  Honestly, I don't remember the last time all three of us checked in like this.  It was not easy, the things we talked about, but something essential was conveyed, and it was grand.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that you are all connecting well. I miss you all!!

