Ow ow ow. My whole body hurts, but in a good way. Let me explain.
As the countdown to my departure is about to head into the single digits, I am making a point of connecting with my dear ones, to ground and center in their love and support and good energy before casting myself into the unknown. Since Julia and Chris are themselves leaving for Northern California tomorrow, tonight was our only chance to see each other until I get back, whenever that will be.
Since I imagine I will be spending a fair amount of time either taking trains or walking while I'm away, I thought I would practice tonight, taking the train into Penn and then walking all the way up to Papaya King on 86th and 3rd. (That's 54 blocks North and 4 avenues East, for those not familiar with New York.) It was a beautiful evening for a walk, filled as I was with wanderlust.
I retraced a lot of the steps that we took back at Christmas, when E and J and The Muse and I had that magickal night in the snow. Herald Square. Times Square. Rockefeller Plaza. I felt like I could see backwards in time, to the places where we all made magick that night. Rather than get sad, I felt like I was honouring who we were then, and said a prayer that we may find our way back to that space, and to each other, one day.
Walking up Fifth, along The Park, past The Frick and my beloved Metropolitan, I began to realize that my shoes are not really meant to be walking shoes. If they can't handle a couple of miles of polite, paved City walking, they are not going to get it done on the moors of the West Country. I'll need to do something about that this week. (Along with a bunch of other little preparations.)
I got to Papaya King around 645, and Julia and Chris were there waiting for me. After big hugs and smiles, we got our hot dogs and stood at the famous counter and indulged. Since there are no public plazas / places to sit in that neighborhood, we walked back to Central Park and sat on the wall right next to the reservoir, and did that talking thing we do. (See the April 10th entry, for the story of our last meeting ... )
We talked about masks and staying light on your feet, about Julia's recent trip to Senegal, Chris' experiences as a touring musician, and of course, my upcoming adventure and my recent struggles / changes / etc. J gave me a few LOVELY gifts, which were particularly moving because they told me that she really knows who I am, under the mask. Most everyone else is buying what I am selling hook line and sinker, and that is how it should be right now, but it's so important to have people who really know you. For so many years now, Julia has been one of those people, and I am so grateful for her.
Since they have a 7am flight out of Kennedy tomorrow, we parted ways around 830. I could've stayed all night again, like last time, but I didn't mind making the 930 train out of Penn either. We hugged more, and promised to Skype while I am away, and then parted ways. I will miss them this summer. Such wonderful, wise people. Every time I am with them, I feel like I learn so much. I care so deeply for both of them.
The walk through the park was a bit of an adventure. I got turned around somehow, which is quite embarrassing, but still managed to make my train on time. Sore feet and all, walking the streets of The City at sunset was lovely as ever. I wish I had brought the camera with me, so I could've sprinkled this entry with all of the colors. I suppose that's alright, though. You all are going to have more pictures than you'll know what to do with in ten days ...
Tomorrow is a day of errands, followed by my last night working the desk at the 'Seed. I think I'll go listen to a few tunes, read a chapter or two, then rest. My heart is full. Thank you again, dear Julia and Chris, for your kindness and understanding. I am very blessed to have friends like you.
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